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Zartech Brown pullets (Isa Brown)

It is known for its high egg purodction of approximately 300 eggs per hen in the first year of laying.
Availability: In stock
  • Buy 500 for ₦1,345.00 each and save 0%
  • Buy 1000 for ₦1,340.00 each and save 1%
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Zartech Brown pullets (Isa Brown) is available to buy in increments of 50
The ISA Brown is a hybrid type of Sex Link chicken, Is thought to originally been the result of crossing Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites, but now contains genetics from a wide range of breeds.The list of which is a closely guarded secret. The a ISA Brown is a hybrid, not a true breed, developed by breeding unrelated "dam" and "sire" lines together until the final ISA Brown result. It is known for its high egg purodction of approximately 300 eggs per hen in the first year of laying.
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