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Virsin-231, 500ml -ND/EDS (1000 Doses)

Virsin-231, 500ml -ND/EDS (1000 Doses)

Virsin-140, 500ml -EDS (1000 Doses)

Vaccine against Egg Drop Syndrome, '76 - 127 strain - in oil emulsion
Availability: In stock
Virsin-140, 500ml -EDS 1. Use by instruction of a veterinarian. 2. Vaccinate only a healthy flock, apply stringent aseptic procedure. 3. Warm vaccine to room temperature (200-250C), just before use. 4. Shake well before and during use. 5. Inject birds according to dosage, S.C. 6. For future layers use at least 2-4 weeks prior to the onset of egg production. 7. Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird older than 3 weeks. 8. Discard remained unused vaccine. Egg drop syndrome – 1976 (EDS –’76) is a viral disease of chickens and quail, is characterized by a decrease in egg production accompanied by a reduction in egg quality. The syndrome is caused by an adenovirus with transmission occurring vertically and horizontally. Incubation period: 10-24 days. The major symptoms are a variable decrease in egg production and the production of abnormal eggs.
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