18 Aug
Online chicks booking with poultryplaza - The online shop you can trust
Poutry is an innovation geared towards simplifying the conventional way of booking birds. We are committed to ensuring that poultry farmers make bookings for their day old birds with hassle. No other platform in Nigeria offers farmers the opportunity to select and compared day old chicks from 13 different farms with respect to breeds and prices.
We’ve got a number of built in complex functionalities embedded in this platform to ensure:
1. A secured means of online transaction.
2. Delivery
3. Free consultation/consultancy
4.Prompt response to queries and lots more!!!
We are Nigeria’s first and No 1 Online day old birds booking solution in Nigeria. You don’t have to stress yourself trying to make poultry bookings of day old chicks anymore, Lets do job for you.
This is an online agricultural store
18 Aug
The nutrient intake of poultry is affected by both the nutrient composition of the diet and the amount of feed eaten or feed intake. The optimum nutrient intake for poultry raised commercially will depend on the commercial goals of the poultry enterprise.
The goals in feeding poultry differ between different classes of poultry. In general, for poultry raised to provide meat, such as broilers and turkeys, the aim is to produce the maximum body weight gain for the m...inimum cost of feed while controlling the amount of fat on the carcass. For egg laying birds the aim is to maximise egg production for the minimum cost of feed while controlling the egg size and egg quality. For mature egg laying birds this generally entails maintaining a relatively stable body weight.
18 Aug
Vaccination plays an important part in the health management of the poultry flock. There are numerous diseases that are prevented by vaccinating the birds against them. A vaccine helps to prevent a particular disease by triggering or boosting the bird’s immune system to produce antibodies that in turn fight the invading causal organisms.
A natural invasion that actually causes the disease will have the same result as the bird will produce antibodies that fights the current invasion as well as to prevent future invasions by the same causal organisms. Unfortunately birds that become diseased usually become unthrifty, non-productive or even die. An infection caused by natural invasion will be uncontrolled and therefore has the possibility of causing severe damage, however vaccination provides a way of controlling the result with minimal harm to the birds.
18 Aug
The best fed and housed stock with the best genetic potential will not grow and produce efficiently if they become diseased or infested with parasites. Therefore good poultry health management is an important component of poultry production. Infectious disease causing agents will spread through a flock very quickly because of the high stocking densities of commercially housed poultry.
For poultry health management to be effective a primary aim must be to prevent the onset of disease or parasites, to recognise at an early stage the presence of disease or parasites, and to treat all flocks that are diseased or infested with parasites as soon as possible and before they develop into a serious condition or spread to other flocks. To be able to do this it is necessary to know how to recognise that the birds are diseased, the action required for preventing or minimising disease and how to monitor for signs that
18 Aug
Feed takes over 60% cost of animal production!!! – As a farmer, I know this is not news to you BUT what are you doing to address this major challenge confronting your success in this noble profession?
Are you conscious of the fact that most of your profits will go to commercial millers, if you solely depend on them to feed your flock?
Are you aware of numerous farmers who have back out of animal production enterprises due to feeds challenges? Many more
18 Aug
When we find our birds with loose droppings the first disease that springs to mind is coccidiosis. But what exactly is coccidiosis and how does it affect our chickens? Coccidiosis is a parasite which damages the gut wall of chickens. There are a number of species of coccidiosis and their effects vary from harmless right through to life threatening. Causes There are six species of Eimeria (coccidiosis) which are generally considered to be significant for chickens: E. tenella, E. brunetti, E. necatrix, E. maxima, E. mitis and E. acervulina. Each of these species prefers to live in and damage a specific region of the gut. For the purposes of treatment and prevention of coccidiosis it is unimportant to ascertain which species is causing disease in your birds and in many cases several species may be working together to cause disease. The life cycle of coccidiosis is important if we are to understand how to control this parasite. The life cycle starts with what is known as an unsporulated
18 Aug
BEGINNERS GUIDE Cleaning Regular cleaning and disinfection of your chicken shed is important to keep down the levels of harmful parasites, bacteria and viruses which can cause disease in both your birds and your family. Ideally, your shed should be cleaned and disinfected on a monthly basis. The protocol for cleaning and disinfection is outlined below: Remove all of the bedding (either compost it or burn it (especially if you have a Red Mite problem) Next, wash the coop using a suitable detergent, such as Chicken Vet Poultry Shield. Many disinfectants are inactivated by dirt and grime so it is important to use a detergent to remove it, allowing your disinfectant to work properly. Remember to remove the perches and nest boxes and to wash all those areas where red mites may hide Let the shed dry before applying a disinfectant. Applying, to a wet surface only dilutes the disinfectant so it, does not have the required strength to kill bugs. Next, dilute an appropriate disinfectant
18 Aug
Newcastle Disease
Newcastle Disease was first found in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1926 (from whence it got its name).The disease is caused by a virus called Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1. This virus not only infects chickens but can affect all other types of poultry and wild birds. However waterfowl tend not to show signs of ill health, therfore they can be silent carriers of the disease.
The virus is spread through the droppings and droplets breathed out by affected birds. Over the next few days the newly infected bird will go on to develop signs of ill health.
What makes Newcastle Disease difficult to diagnose is the fact that there are three main types of the virus each of which affect different parts of the body and go on to show different clinical signs.
- The first type ‘pneumotrophic’ infects the respiratory system of affected birds causing sneezing (snicking), runny nose, runny eyes and a swollen face.
- The ‘neurotrophic’
18 Aug
Diarrhoea in backyard poultry
Alongside respiratory disease - diarrhoea is one of the most common conditions to affect your chickens. Normal chicken droppings should be firm and brown with a white part on the top which is made from urates (the chicken’s urine) as chickens urinate and defecate in one motion. Any yellow foamy droppings or bloody droppings are abnormal.
There are a number of possible causes for diarrhoea in poultry:
- Coccidiosis
- worms
- viruses (such as rotavirus and adenovirus)
- bacterial diarrhoea
- kidney damage
- a feed too high in protein
18 Aug
Sneezing Turkeys
The main causes of Respiratory Disease in turkeys are Mycoplasma and Avian RhinoTracheitis virus (ART). Often these agents occur together and without your vet carrying out a blood test there is no way of telling which one(s) are involved. Irrespective of the cause the treatment is the same.
It is important to note that Mycoplasma is carried by the bird for life and will remain dormant with little damage caused, however it can flare up during times of stress, such as moving to a new home. The infected birds will then go on to infect the new flock.
Mycoplasma can also be transferred through the egg from the hen to her poults. It can cause joint infections in turkeys leading to lameness. Mycoplasma and ART can infect chickens too.
What to look out for
- sneezing
- runny eyes